How it works?


Tell us about yourself

Fill out some basic information so that we can automatically connect you to the people best-suited to advertise your business on their social media.


Set up some goals

You can select anything from brand awareness to website or in-store visits. Based on your goal, we will recommend you the best strategies to follow tailored to your business


Create an ad description

Use our ad description template or easily create your own to explain the type of ad you want, the social platform, the product or service to advertise, the language and assets to be used – whatever your business cares about.


Go Live

This is the moment where people start advertising your business on their social media. You can track your results with powerful built-in analytics to see how your campaign is performing and adjust or stop at anytime if necessary.

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system that
works for you

You choose the compensation system that works best for your business. You can compensate advertisers using discount coupons, freebies, referral systems, or cash.

Group 2Created with Sketch.


Your current and future customers demand honesty and authenticity. This is why on Nofluencer all ads are user-generated.

You don’t have to create a single ad anymore. Simply describe the attributes that make you special, and let people share it in their own unique and authentic way with their friends and family.

Ad quality you
can trust

We carefully select the people that will advertise your business on their social media.

We use industry leading bot and fraud detection when recruiting with rigorous profile, background, and behavioural checks.

Advanced safeguard systems are also in place to ensure a congruity between the advertisers and your brand.

Marketing - Reinvented


Let brand missionaries share their genuine interest in your brand with their inner circle.


Let your audience receive genuine recommendations from people they trust most - their friends.

Light &
Heavy Purpose

Whether you want to reach 1k or 1M+ people, we got you covered.


Completely free until you’re ready to advertise. Only pay for impact and results.


Who are brand missionaries?

Brand missionaries are people just like you and me. They have a relatively small, but engaged following base on different social platforms. They will be the ones advertising your product or service to their friends and family, based on their interests, historic activity, engagement rate, geographic location etc.

Can peer-to-peer marketing help my business grow effectively at a low cost?

The short answer: yes, otherwise we wouldn’t be in business. As with all advertisement campaigns, there are many variables in play (the landing/social page optimisation, the product/service proposed etc.). That being said, peer-to-peer marketing at scale is, by all counts, the most effective and affordable way to advertise.

How can I be sure that the audiences will be interested in what I have to offer?

Because people trust friends and family! In fact, according to Nielsen, 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family over any other type of advertising. And we’re proposing a way to let people share their interest in your product/service to their inner circle.

Won’t the content of people advertising my business look like a fake page full of promotions?

No, it won’t. While we encourage people to only advertise products/services they have a genuine interest in, we decided to impose some limits on the number of jobs they can get in any given day, week, and month. This is to ensure that your ad isn’t diluted among others and that advertisers don’t lose credibility in the eyes and minds of their following base.

Can the people advertising my business also advertise my competitor’s business?

In any given month, brand missionaries won’t have the ability to advertise two (or more) competing products in a specified category. So no, if they’ve advertised your product or service, they won’t be able to advertise your competitor’s product or service for one month.

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